The Powers of Salt

As someone full of superstitious habits, I always considered salt as an important element and I guess this was my first witchy steps ever. Like I always throw salt over my shoulder if I spill some salt during a meal. Which is reassuring is that I am not the only one to do that such of thing. Since ancient Egypt, we think that salt is a powerful element. It even remained in certain religious practices; with the same goal: protection against evil things.

Salt is a great shield against negative energies. That’s why I put some of salt in a cup at my main door. The best is to put some at every windows and corners of your house. Don’t forget to replace the salt often, once per week or month according to the guests you had at home. Don’t forget to throw the salt away in running water; by flushing it for example. This will ward off any negativity or any unwanted spirits.

Himalaya Salt lamps are very helpful in a house. They have many virtues and the most important one is purifying the atmosphere. The salt, helped by the warm of the lamp sucks up dirt particles. It also provides an atmosphere of peace. I have found Himalaya Salt candle holders because I prefer having the light from a flame instead from a lightbulb.

To make it short: salt is easy to purchase and very helpful! No more excuses to leave yourself unprotected.

Sources: VeryMysticWiccan Moon SongWitchipediabouddhisme-universite

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